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5월의 양재천

J cash 2018. 5. 7. 00:38

봄의 양재천ㅡ P 50 호

mixed media on canvas



그린 지 얼마 안 된

스켓치 상태의 미완성 작품이지만....


다 그리기 전의 완성도가 떨어지는 상태가

항상 가슴을 설레게 하고

그림의 분위기도 좋아 보인다..

작년 가을에도 그렸던

서초구와 강남구의  경계지점에서 바라본

타워팰리스 단지가 신기루처럼 양재천에 비친 풍경을 그린 이번 그림은  

풍경화에 靈的인 힘을 담으려 한

조지 이네스를 생각하며


단색톤의 토날리즘 풍경화를 흉내 내보려는데....  

그리기 시작은 했으니

조심스럽게 조금씩 다듬어 봐야겠다.....




George Inness 1825 ~1894

New Jersey Landscape

1891 Oil on canvas   76.2 x 114.3 cm

Inness believed that the spirit of God was present throughout the natural world. Although this painting may represent a specific place, the artist

was less interested in defining recognizable details than in conveying nature’s immaterial essence, here expressed in finely modulated colors

that have been painted with a brush and then wiped with a cloth, so they blend together without contours




' My God oh, how beautiful '

“My God!  oh, how beautiful!”  were the parting words of American landscape artist George Inness, when he shed this mortal coil

on August 3, 1894.  For those of you who paint the landscape, I am sure you know the ecstasy Inness experienced on this his final day. The more you paint out-of-doors, the more in love you become with the natural world around you.  The fleeting colors of light, the beautiful shapes, the indescribable feeling of awe and inadequacy you feel with nature as your model, and the unquenchable desire to try to preserve it in paint no matter how difficult the task before you.





Michael Hoppé & Harold Moses - Serenity I