Gloria Steinem at the Ms. Foundation for Women's 23rd annual Gloria Awards on May 19, 2011
'a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle' ㅡ
물고기가 자전거가 필요없듯이 여자는 남자가 꼭 필요한 것이 아니다
Feminist 잡지 Ms를 창간하고
여성의 삶에 있어서
행복이나, 성취, 만족감 등에
남성의 역할이 그렇게 중요한 것이 아니다..라는 말을 하던
전세계 feminist activist의 leader 인 Gloria Steinem...
그녀의 나이 66세에
"a woman without a man is like a fish out of water.."라는 말은 안했지만
홀로 사는 것을 청산하고 5년연하의 남자와 결혼한다
그러나 그녀의 남편이 결혼 3년만에 뇌림프종으로 사망하여 다시 홀로 된다
나의 블로그는 주로 미술을 주제로 다루기 때문에..
여기에 거창하게
미국미술사에서 페미니즘이 공식적으로 시작된 1971년의
美術史家 린다 노클린의 글
'왜 이제껏 위대한 여성 미술가가 없었는가?'를
거론하려는 것은 아니고...
ㅡ세련된 미모의
지적이며 섹시한 매력적인 여성이
급진적인 여성운동가로서 살면서 어떻게 늙어가고 변하는 지...
그냥 재미로... 그 녀의 사진들을 찾아서 엮어 본다
위대한 여성운동가의 늙어가는 겉모습이
'남성 시각'의....
탐색의 대상이 된 셈이다.
Gloria Steinem (1934~ )
Oct. 19, 2015 photo
Gloria 's Biography
Biggest Fear: Being misunderstood.
Three Adjectives to Describe Herself: Hopeful, durable, and laughing
Dream Interview Subject: Someone who lived before there was patriarchy, monotheism or nationalism.
Most Meaningful Advice Received: People are linked, not ranked, with each other, with nature and with the universe.
Groundbreaking writer, lecturer, editor and activist, Gloria Steinem has been looked to as the popular face of the women's movement for over four decades. She was a buzzed-about journalist in the late-60s, when her political conscience compelled her to join the growing feminist movement, and made her one of its most visible and effective leaders.
She co-founded Ms. Magazine in 1972, and has spent decades crisscrossing the United States and the world as a speaker and organizer. She has been a controversial, good-humored, and inescapable public conscience on issues of equality and social justice. She has expanded the women’s movement to celebrate non-violent conflict resolution, the cultures of indigenous peoples, and organization across socioeconomic boundaries.
Steinem probes and lays bare the workings of gender roles, of sex and race caste systems, and of child abuse as roots of violence. She is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Smith College and an Inductee of the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Gloria Steinem is a 2005 Founder of the Women’s Media Center.
In 2013, she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama.
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